
Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

(PSP) Dissidia Final Fantasy (ULUS10437-Encrypted) [IDWS]

Dissidia Final Fantasy (ディシディア ファイナルファンタジー Dishidia Fainaru Fantajī) is an action RPG/fighting game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation Portable as part of the campaign for the Final Fantasy series 20th anniversary. 

Cover Dissidia Final Fantasy
Information on the game was first released during the "Square Enix Party" event of May 2008. The game features characters from different Final Fantasy games and centers around a great conflict between the heroes and villains, as the god of discord, Chaos, tries to wrest control of their worlds from the forces of good. It was released in Japan on December 18, 2008, in North America on August 25, 2009, in Australia on September 3, 2009 and in Europe on September 4, 2009. It was then re-released as an international version in Japan, based on the North American port, asDissidia Final Fantasy: Universal Tuning, on November 1, 2009. Dissidia was well-received commercially and critically, with positive reviews and sales of over 1 million copies worldwide.

Screenshot Preview :

Rating by Other website Review :
- GameFAQs Rating Average   = 8.6
- MetaCritic MetaScore             = 7.9
- Reader Review (gamefaqs)   = 7.8
- User Score (gamespot)          = 8.9
- Gamespot Rating Average    = 8.8

File Name           : Dissidia Final Fantasy (ULUS10437-Encrypted)
Size                   : Part 1 = 700MB + Part 2 = 410.37MB 
Storage             : Indowebster

(PSP) Dissidia Final Fantasy (ULUS10437-Encrypted) Download Here!!
(thanks to Uploader : Baghram)
(PSP) Dissidia Final Fantasy Part 1 

pass :

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8 komentar:

  1. koq ada 2 part(image dan audio).itu gimana cara menggabungkannya?
    ini bisa kan di JPCSP?
    trims banyak

  2. tenang gan, itu hanya kesalahan uploadernya dalam pemberian properties.

    filenya baik" aja kok.

  3. trus file yg mna yg di masukin ke PSP ??

  4. gan waktu storynya firion kok semua gambarnya hilang???

  5. gan gimana cara masukinya...
    isi RARnya bukan ISO tp image dan audio...

    beri pencerahan dong...
