
Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Mana Khemia Student Alliance (USA) [IDWS]

(PSP) Mana Khemia Student Alliance (USA) [IDWS] 

Cover : Mana Khemia Student Alliance
A port for the PSP system that was released in Japan on September 25, 2008 under the title Mana-Khemia Gakuen no Renkinjutsushi-tachi Plus, and in North America on March 10, 2009, branded under the name Mana Khemia: Student Alliance.
There are added features like multiplayer battles, Jump Start function to allow the game to load faster, and more items that can be synthesized. In multiplayer battles, enemies may drop rare items that cannot be found in the main game. Student Alliance was generally given lower reviews than its PS2 counterpart due to its additional loading times, but this can be remedied by playing the download rather than the UMD or using the install function.
Screenshot Preview :

Rating by Other website Review : 

- GameFAQs Rating Average  = 8.2
- MetaCritic MetaScore            = 41
- Reader Review (gamefaqs)    = 8.0

File Name    : Mana Khemia Student Alliance
Size             : Part 1 ~ Part 4 = 100MB + Part 5 = 66.89MB
Storage       : Indowebster

Mana Khemia Student Alliance (USA) download here!! (INDOWEBSTER) 

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